Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce
Chambers Of CommerceClubs and GroupsNon-Profit Organizations
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM and Fridays 9 am - 4:00 pm
About Us
The Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce is the energizing and vitalizing force of the community. The Chamber seeks to unite all the industrial, commercial, and civic interests for the purpose of bringing together concerned action in supporting those activities which are broader than any one single business or industry, but which promote the welfare of the area as a whole. Our area includes Wetumpka and surrounding portions of Elmore County.
The Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce is a working partnership of business and professional people who know the wisdom of coordinating their efforts under effective leadership for advancement and development of the area.
The purpose of the Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce is to advance welfare and prosperity of our area so that its citizens and all areas of its business community shall prosper. All necessary means of promotion shall be provided and particular attention and emphasis shall be given to the economic, civic, commercial, cultural, industrial, recreational, and educational interests of the area.
The Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM and Fridays 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The Chamber facilitates a host of meetings and events throughout the year, most of which involve time spent away from the office. Please call (334) 567-4811 to make an appointment. For the most up to date information on area events, visit www.wetumpkachamber.com.